Yesterday I decided to bake up A STORM. Probably because it rained/thundered/lightninged pretty much non-stop until after noon and I felt like being one with nature.

Here’s what I made yesterday: 2 loaves of sandwich bread, 1 loaf and a pizza crust of roasted garlic bread, 1 dozen waffles, a giant vat/slow cooker of fruit and cinnamon steel-cut oats, 2 lasagnas (1 for a friend), bruschetta-ish for the roasted garlic bread, and last I prepped salad lettuce my MIL grew and gave us. Then you know what I realized? I MADE MOSTLY ALL CARB FOODS. Sad face. But it’s our carbs for the whole week!!! Can’t wait for our summer CSA to start this week. Or really, can’t wait for Indiana veggies and fruits to ripen and tumble in to my open arms.

BTW, here’s how I roll/cook:

I take the recipe and MUTILATE IT WITH HEALTH!!!! Because if you are going to make Strawberry Nutella Muffins, you might as well make them slightly healthy, right?

Here are some easy and quick health substitutions I generally make:

  1. Honey for sugar.
  2. Butter for margarine or shortening.
  3. 1/3 or 1/2 wheat flour for white flour ( as in: 1 c. white flour turns into 1/2 c. white and 1/2 c. wheat).
  4. Applesauce for vegetable oil.
  5. Decrease the amount of sugar by 1/3 or 1/2.

My recipes are still fatty (YAY BUTTER!!!!) but since I’m in the process of trying to gain weight, it’s good for me:)  If you want to cut down on fat, check here for some tips.

Other random links I’ve been saving up:

  • Funny post on Moxie today.
  • Antibiotic shocker article in NY Times (have I ever mentioned how much I DESPISE lobbyists?).
  • BeautifulAmazing cake.
  • Another baby sleep article (can you tell I want/need more sleep? It’ll happen again one day!).
  • Score-alicious blog that remind me of young me now me.
  • Neat NPR article in the wake of all the politician philandering happening lately.
  • And just because the world needs Some Pretty, two delightful houses.