Today at library storytime there were bubbles! And the parachute! E was very excited and went to tell his librarians how pleased he was afterward. A+ storytime in his book. 🙂 

I cut the boys’ hair, one curl at a time. They sat patiently, collecting the curls as I handed them over, eager to throw them outside for the birds to use in their nests. This is E with C’s hair:

And here is C as a red head:

Then they smiled with their kitty. Poor cat. 

I’ve never seen a kid so continually thrilled with the first letter of his name. Every time he finds it he bursts with delight! 

C is learning how to write to fit in a a small space. 😉 

We weeded the garden, played with Ruby, examined cherry tree sap, and looked at and discussed a dead mole a cat left for us on the driveway. 
Busy day. 😉