Well, E was born 3 weeks ago, we’ve been home for 2 weeks, and J has been back at work for 1.5 weeks. Finally getting back into our (new) routine.

Little E still doesn’t smile a lot so he seems like a pretty serious guy right now. He did have his first real smile session on Monday, giving me and C something to ooo and ahhh over while we talked to him. 🙂

IMG_0687 Even though C is having a tough time adjusting to less attention, he really loves his little brother. When E cries in the car (which he does allllll the time), C will sing “Baby E, Baby E!” over and over to try to calm him. C loves to hold E, runs yelling “Mama, we need get baby E!” when E wakes and starts crying, and he really like to “pet” E’s head and face. Very glad C is taking his “adjustment anxiety” out on me and his dad and not his new brother!


And hey, ya know, this second baby stuff is pretty awesome. This one sleeps pretty well and is a generally calm little dude. He can even sleep through C playing and yelling right next to him!! Wowee! Second babies are easier (so far)!!! Too bad we’re stopping with this boy, maybe the next would be even easier!


My wonderful doula Anna and the baby she helped me deliver!


Random picture of our cats. And yeah, that is the bottom rack to the dishwasher. I’ve got a toddler and am nursing a newborn so lots of fun things happen at our house nowadays….


My happy big boy played in the sink for about 2 hours this morning while E napped.


He ended up sitting and just relaxing in the hot water while I cleaned the kitchen. Then we sang, I danced, he laughed, I ate, he demanded I get off my computer, he squirted me with a water bottle, I took it away, and he calmed down. Then he told me “Mama, I like you! Mama, I love you!”. Ahh, so sweet!

E crying!


Baby E with his typical expression!

IMG_1002Baby C for comparison.